The Rescue - A Brother's Stewardship

When I went to youth conference with my church, we went into a book/art store and each teenager that was with us was given time to look at all the paintings and choose the one that they like and then tell us why.  There was a 17 year old, 6 foot 2, athletic boy, (you know the one that all the girls have a crush on) who chose a picture called The Rescue by Del Parsons.  It shows a little boy with his brother on his back.  I had never seen the picture.  This teenager from church, with side burns to his chin, told of the story of a family of four boys who traveled with the pioneers across the plains in the Willie/Martin Handcart Company.  The mother was a widow and doing the best she could, but she needed help.  While she pulled the handcart, she asked her 11 year old to help and be in charge of the youngest who was 5.  
There was a blizzard.
The 5 year old was too exhausted to go on.
The 11 year old boy carried his brother, on his back, the rest of the way.
That is a brother's love.

- to lift us when we can't any more.
-to lift us when we can't any more.

Nurturing the relationships in our lives helps us become more like Christ.

It seems to be a familiar theme in the church.

My most favorite thing as a mom to see my boys playing and caring for each other.
That is what life is about.
They are blessings.
Cherish them.
While hiking up the canyon, Stafford was hot and tired.
Without being asked, Christian jumped in and offered a piggyback ride.
Relationships are blessings.


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